3 min readOct 18, 2022



It’s beautiful to have figured you need to lose weight,the consequences are nothing to write home about, however you have tried to lose weight or it’s like you have tried but ure still were you started.

Weight loss is a gradual process,it doesn’t happen in a day or two even a week,give yourself time,obey instructions and you will get your desired outcome. Now

The calories taken in superior to the one being burnt equals weight gain, therefore ur priority is to burn as much calories as you take in.

Now what are you to do to make this priority a reality!

  1. Make up your mind to lose weight, the discipline must come from within, you cannot start today and prefer to go back to your former weight tomorrow,I mean who are you kidding?
  2. Be a defensive eater: this is reducing the quantity of food you eat, that is ;get your self acquainted with stoping to eat before you’re full.This can be really hard especially if you’re surrounded by people who eat a lot or your family and friends urging you to take one more spoon,you can do it you know!
  3. Be active: very importantly is exercise, apart from ur occasionally walk to the office, school etc and expending energy to work,greater percentage of your calories will be burnt with exercise even as low as 30minutes a day, this is actually minimum,more results equals more work,not only does exercise help to lose weight it also builds your muscles,Start today and thank me later
  4. Avoid sedentary livestyles: you must have heard this before, have you put it into practice? sitting around is the order of the day, from the house to school, office and different places gone to everyday, sitting down is done, sometimes opt to stand or walk that short distance to market etc,try to brisk walk(walking as if u’re late for a meeting).
  5. Find a diet suitable for you,try different diet and you will surely find the one suitable for you, any diet can help you lose weight but then is the diet healthy? The quality of the calories matters too,that’s why you need to choose can decide to eat food that covers your satietion i.e foods that will take longer for you to feel hungry, like proteinous foods.
  6. Eat a lot of fibers which are mostly fruits and vegetables, they provide you with many benefits and instead of that fried egg rolls every afternoon substitute it with fruit or vegetables.
  7. Keep your mind away from food,yes you need to, keep ur self busy with work or any other thing but not food, check it out, when not working you’re eating right! so help yourself, you can also replace most junk in your fridge with healthier choices of food.
  8. Beware of liquid calories:this one tend to be forgotten most times as people focus more on food calories but then taken two or three bottles of some kinds of drink supplies you with almost all the calories needed per day.

sure to follow these tips and you will not be disappointed, if you have questions on any of these tips be sure to comment and I will answer, please follow and clap.




Freelance nutrition writer, interested in boosting your health through the food you eat, dietary advice, and mouth-watering recipes.