Sugar sweetened drinks/beverages
Why reduce their intake
You love to take soft drinks with different flavors and probably can’t go by a day without having that sweet taste in your mouth.
Have you ever tried to dump 7 to 9 teaspoons of sugar into a bowl of cereal? Too sweet! Yes that’s the amount of sugar in a 12 ounce (341ml,34cl) can of Coca-Cola,fanta and most other sugary drinks.
Sugar sweetened drinks/beverages are those drinks ladened with added sugar and non nutritive sweeteners like aspartame, orbitol, saccharine etc.examples of these drinks are fruit juice,fanta,coke, Sprite,sodas etc.
Now their effect!
On blood sugar: taking fruit juice or vegetable juice can really be delightful, fruit juice as opposed to juice flavoured sugar water can also be good source for vitamins, minerals and fiber. Can you eat 3 to 4 oranges at a time?try to squeeze out your own juice, 3 or 4 oranges may not be enough depending on their size, now you take these juice consuming more quantity of fruit per time plus their sugars.
These simple sugars found in these drinks when taken digest easily triggering the rapid and tense increase in blood sugars which causes the pancreas to pump out more and more insulin added with the sugars gotten from food can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
On bodyweight: these drinks add awful lot of calories to your body and since most times drink calories are often neglected,there is no decrease in the food calories to compensate for the already gotten calories resulting to weight gain.
One 12onuce of soda( a can of soda) already gives you about 150calories a day which can result to a 15pound weight gain over a year.
When you take these drinks, after digestion, glucose have been distributed to your muscles and your blood sugar level must have fallen,hunger Sparks are sent to your brain which means more food more calories.
What of the non nutritive sweeteners: these sweeteners are from plant and therefore not artificial. Because there’s a general craving for sweet things scientist discovered these sweeteners that don’t add calories to you and since then approved by government as “Generally regarded as safe” by the FDA. These sweeteners are found in diet sodas used by most weight watchers.
These sodas are better than the sugared version but a weight loss gambit cannot rely on it for a long time because these sweeteners affect the body’s way of guaging how much calories come in.
Moreover sweet liquid causes craving for more sweet liquid which add extra calories to the body.over all people who take these diet sodas have been found to weigh less than those who take sugar sweetened beverages/drinks.
Your blood sugar rises and falls rapidly every single time you take these drinks,lot more calories than needed is also added not to talk of the the fact that you’re trying to lose the excess weight.
If at all you must take these drinks, try dilute fruit juice with water, as for others take them sparingly after all they’re just combination of water, sugar, flavors and preservatives.